Serving Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey Since 1967
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Our Tall Fescue sod is a blend of cool-season perennial bunch grasses, and it is becoming very popular both for home lawns and athletic fields. Tall Fescue Blend sod creates turf that has the dual benefits of attractiveness and lower maintenance.
Tall Fescue grass is medium in density and texture and green to dark green in color.
Our Tall Fescue is an exceedingly hardy grass that thrives in full sun but will tolerate partial shade too. Its unusually long roots reach deep for water, so these plants stay lush and green even in all but the most severe drought conditions. In times of extreme heat without irrigation, a Tall Fescue lawn may go dormant, and then green up later when moisture returns.
Tall Fescue requires slightly less fertilizer than other lawn grasses, and its symbiotic relationship with endophytes make it naturally resistant to many insects and disease. It also holds up well to foot traffic and pets. In fact, the South Lawn of the White House – trampled repeatedly by crowds at events such as the Easter Egg Roll – is comprised of Tall Fescue!
Our Tall Fescue Blend sod is great for home lawns, athletic fields with or without irrigation, and commercial uses. If lower-maintenance is a priority, contact us to receive a quote or ask questions about our Tall Fescue sod.